Thursday, June 4, 2015

Time to Give Back: The Red Cross and the Nepal Earthquake

I have been thinking for quite some time now to start a new series on the blog. I wanted to create something meaningful to inspire everyone to show gratitude for all the good things in their lives, but also to inspire people to give back to those less fortunate. So every month I plan on introducing a new charity to the blog, share their work and shed light on issues and people that could use our help. I don’t have a name for it the series yet so feel free to live your suggestions and favorite charities in the comment section below. 

Giving money to charity is something I believe most of us think about, but we discourage ourselves from doing it by thinking along the lines of: “how are a few dollars going to make a difference?” However if a thousand people each give five dollars, the results will be a tangible five thousand dollars that can have a huge impact on different issues and disaster stricken communities and countries. I know this is something we hear all the time, but I feel like we are not fully conscious of it, which is why I want to raise awareness.

I know my blog does not have a huge following, but if only a few of you are touched and decide to take action, I will have achieved my goal. You can also share these posts so the message spreads and hopefully we can make a difference in the world together.

For June I have decided to donate money to the Red Cross to help with the earthquake in Nepal. I already donated in May, but the damages were so great and the need ever so present that I believe it is important to continue to think of the Nepalese. It is always great to see people coming together as soon as a natural disaster occur, however countries still need funds not only to help with immediate relief, but also to help in the long term as they work to rebuild the cities. People need access to water, medical care and shelter and without the monsoon season approaching all the help they can get will be useful.

I chose the Red Cross because they are a reliable organisation that is not only one of the first to arrive on site, but their efforts continue long after the journalists and news agencies have moved on to other things. After donating you can sign up to receive updates on the situation in Nepal and learn how your donation has helped people.

It is also worthy to note that some countries decide to match donations made to the Red Cross (for a certain period of time), essentially doubling the original amount you gave. This means that your generosity is valued and that small amount is allowed to turn into something bigger without having to make any efforts. Lastly, don’t forget to print the tax receipt that will be emailed to you, it will be of some help to you when you need to fill out your income taxes.

So this month, instead of buying a coffee or a cupcake I encourage you to donate whatever you can to the Red Cross to help with the Nepal earthquake relief, I promise it’ll bring you a lot more joy. Obviously the more the better, but every small donation will amount to something great that will make a dramatic difference in the lives of people suffering from this current tragedy. 

The Red Cross has many international website so you can easily find the one for your country. You can find the Canadian website here and the American one here. You can also read more about the Canadian Red Cross efforts in Nepal here.

Picture Credits: Canadian Red Cross Website

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