Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How I Managed to Drink More Water

I’m the kind of person that doesn't mind drinking plain water, I actually really enjoy it’s taste and find it refreshing. However I know many people don’t share my love and find water boring, which encourages them to turn to powder and liquid flavour enhancer to help motivate them with their water intake.

I understand the appeal but it also seems counterintuitive to drink something highly processed or full of sugar when you’re trying to be healthier. You can make flavoured water very easily by adding different fruits and herbs to your water. This is not something I feel a need to do, but I really think it is worth the effort in the case of lemon water. Yes it’s taste is pleasant, however the reason I do it is for the detoxifying properties of lemons and I find it has had the most incredible effects on my digestive system (I have had difficulties with it in the past).

I know lemon water is not ground breaking, it’s benefits have been claimed by many, but I still felt the need to mention it (in case any skeptics are reading this) and say that what you hear about it is true and you should give it a chance.

In the past few days I have really upped the amount of water I drink, I went from 2 liters to 4 liters and I can already feel a huge difference. Drinking more water gives you energy, clears your mind, I also find that my skin looks better and my sleep is more peaceful. The best way to do this I found is to keep a water bottle with me all day and write down every time I finish it. The action of writing it down really motivates me, it brings out my competitive side, making want to drink more. This desire to drink more is key, it transforms a chore into something you want to do and doing it becomes incredibly satisfying. Another tip is to be mindful of the water’s temperature, I find ice cold water harder to drink in large quantities, water slightly cooler than room temperature works best. Lastly start by fixing yourself an achievable goal, if you only have a glass of water a day, drinking 4 liters is unrealistic. You can start with 1 liter and gradually work your way to the amount that will benefit you most.

Hopefully this will give you the extra motivation needed to increase your daily water intake as well as try lemon water.

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