Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Currently Reading: My Favorite Beauty and Lifestyle Books

I have been catching up on my reading recently and I thought I could share with you what I have on my nightstand. I don’t read as many novels as I used to, they get me too wrapped up and I end up going to sleep way too late. This is why I prefer lifestyle and beauty books to unwind, plus I love learning new things. The following books are the ones I am currently enjoying and they all have a similar short sections format that is great to read before bed.

First up is The New Health Rules: Simple Changes to Achieve Whole-Body Wellness by Doctor Frank Lipman (here). I first saw pictures of this on Goop and I loved the styling. Basically, each page contains a “rule” to follow in order to be healthier, they really are more like tips and not preachy. Some advice you might know, but I am sure you will learn something new. I really love it and all the pictures are stunning.

Next is The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo (here). This has been generating a lot of buzz online and since I was in a decluttering mood, I thought it would be very useful. The book is based on the simple principle that you should only keep things that spark joy instead of cluttering your home with too many things. I cannot wait to finish it and put the techniques to the test.

Another book I am currently enjoying is The French Beauty Solution: Time-Tested Secrets to Look and Feel Beautiful Inside and Out by Mathilde Thomas (here) the founder of Caudalie. This beauty book is based on French health and lifestyle tips that will improve your skin. I already apply most of them in my lifestyle, but it is written in such a fresh and pleasant way that I am really enjoying reading it. I also cannot wait to get to the diy beauty section. 

Last is The Honest Life: Living Naturally and True to You by Jessica Alba (here), a great guide book to living in a cleaner and more natural home. I have been loving my products from The Honest Company and this book is a great companion to the brand. It is has many sections from food, beauty, fashion and home. The pictures are very colorful and I think it offers great advice that you can easily apply to your life.

There you have it, my favorite books of the moment. They are all available in bookstore as well as on Amazon and in iBooks. 

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